The Sistine Chapel is Our DNA

Maketai, Inc - Publisher


This book is more than a journey into the past, it's a gift to the future. Proceeds from your purchase will support Maketai Inc. a non-profit dedicated to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest and the Achuar people who safeguard it.

Do you know, before it was discovered by modern science, Michelangelo painted human DNA’s double spiraling helix within the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling?

He revealed the Medici School’s oral tradition of the Ancient Enneagram by painting the Sibyls and Prophets in a special sequence, in such a way that they are a practical guide today for understanding planetary body types. He used fish iconography, held by Jonah, to show Vesica Piscis and further expressed the Flower of Life through Sacred Geometry - the language of Higher Dimensions. This book gives voice to Michelangelo who could not speak of this ancient hermetic knowledge during his lifetime, when humanity was just emerging from the Dark Ages.

Is it possible that Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel as a user’s guide for us to see our connections to Cosmic Order?

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Geraldine Gordon

The most important ideas of this book do not belong to me. This is chiefly what makes them valuable; because if they belonged to me they would be like all other theories invented by ordinary minds.

What I mean is - This book comes from Higher Mind, from Conscious Influence.

It is a User’s Guide to Awakening a relationship to Cosmic Order – our birthright.


Debra Reynolds

Debra Reynolds is an educator and consultant whose life work involves the application of intuition and exploring the multi-layered nature of life. With an emphasis on self-awareness, she explores innate ways of being, engaging, and growing, and the life themes, challenges, and sensitivities that inform our life. Through programs that help to heal childhood and collective patterns of repressing creative expression and the intuitive faculty that allow us to be individuals, the potential of our central purpose is activated and our capacity for compassion and relationship with the collective are enhanced.

Debra’s research resulted in the development of The Dignity Project, a unique program for child advocates with an emphasis on self awareness. For eighteen years she conducted retreats on creativity and intuition, founding Four Winds Institute in the mountains of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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